Images from the Swedish landscape of Bohuslän.
Towards the south. From the island of Åstol. Pencil and oil pastel on paper. 40x30cm
Warm sun setting at Bottna. Bohuslän. Oil pastel on paper
The white house at Gerlesborg. Pencil and oil pastel on paper.
Rocks and water at Valö. Pencil and oil pastel on paper.
Painting boy. Islandsberg. Montage, print from photo and drawing.
Reflexioner / Reflections
Reflexioner är en serie om min relation till naturen och består av målningar på akrylglas och träpannåer med ingraverade speglingar av vattenrörelser och naturfragment.
Serien har sitt ursprung från en stipendievistelse i Grez i Frankrike och färdigställdes på Sahlströmsgården i Värmland och Konstepidemin i Göteborg.
Torso. Oil on acrylic glass, 2010. 40x27cm.
Under the trees. Oil on acrylic glass 40x27cm
Nature I. Oil on acrylic glass 40x27cm
Nature II. Oil on acrylic glass, 2010. 40x27cm
Reflexions. on acrylic glass in six parts, total size 81x82cm
Waterfall. on acrylic glass in three parts, total size 67,5x54cm
Tracks. Oil on acrylic glass 40x27cm
Mirage. Oil on acrylic glass in six parts, total size 94×107,5cm
The River Loing I. Grez 2001. Oil on acrylic glass 27x40cm
The River II. 2011. Oil on plexi 100x150cm
Under the surface, oil on plexi, 150x100cm
Details from the Portrait of Mats Ström 2012 (also see Portraits).
The images are painted postcard variations, or altered postcards from the former Yugoslavia.
Photo: Kalle Sanner
Överste Mats Ström, 2011. Mixed media on photo. 130x95cm
Sarajevo, painting from a postcard from before the Balkan war.
Painting from a postcard from Mostar before the Balkan war. The Bridge were demolished during the war but rebuilt after.
Painting from a postcard showing a Bosnian war zone during the Balkan war.