↑ Picture. Requiem of a father, detail. Anima (e). Drawing (grafite) made directly on the walls and ceiling in one of the rooms of the Palazzo Tornielli, Ameno, Italy 2008. Approximately 250x350cm
The drawings and paintings of his deceased father echo frustration and openly discuss the artist’s ambivalent emotions towards his father, which also include feelings of respect and adoration. Ramhøj recalls living under his father’s strict rules and missing his affection, which to some degree may explain his interest in the relationship between fathers and sons.
1. Father XIII d. Wax pen on acrylic glass on top of self portrait, 168x132cm.
Father IV, acrylic and pencil on wood, 150x120cm.
Far IX. Acrylic paint and pencil on wood,150x120cm.
Far VI. Acrylic paint and pencil on wood. Jönköping Provins Art Museum.
Father XI, acrylic and pencil on wood, 125x100cm.
Father VII, acrylic on wood, 150x120cm.
Father V, acrylic on wood, 150x120cm.
Father X, acrylic on wood, 150x120cm.
Father VIII, acrylic on wood, 150x120cm.
Father XIV, acrylic and pencil on wood, 125x100cm.
Father XVII, mixed media on wood, 150x120cm.
Father XV, acrylic and pencil on wood, 150x120cm.
Father XVIII, acrylic on wood, 150x120cm.
Father II, acrylic and pencil on wood, 150x120cm.
Father XIIIc, vax on acrylic glass, 168x132cm.
Images of a father, Requiem and Rest in the Cathedral of Lund 2018. Exhibited in collaboration with the artist Helena Marika Ekenger.
10 + 21 works from the series of Images of a father exhibited in and in collaboration with the Cathedral of Lund and the artist Helena Marika Ekenger.
Father XVI, acrylic and pigment on burnt wood. 150x120cm
Father XVI, acrylic and pigment on burnt wood. 150x120cm
The Cathedral of Lund: Father XVI and Father XXIII. Mixed media on wood. Each 150x120cm
Images of a father in The Cathedral of Lund: Father IV, VII and IX. Mixed media on wood. Each 150x120cm.
In the studio / I ateljéen. Mixed media on polytoile. 195x130cm
Requiem IX, vinyl on paper 21x16cm.
Requiem XX, vinyl on paper 21x16cm.
Requiem XXI, vinyl on paper 21x16cm.
Ramhøj quotes the saying, “We die twice – first, our body dies – and then, when we are forgotten – we die a second time.”
In addition to showing a selection from the series Images of a Father and Requiem of a Father, Ramhøj conceived an exclusive feature for this exhibition, drawing a monumental image of his dead father’s head onto the wall and ceiling in the Palazzo Tornielli, in Ameno.
Requiem, Anime. Italy. Mixed media on wall